
Socializing Is So Important

This evening there was a family that came to our church and did a concert on a winter tour. We were so happy to be able to get out and go listen to them sing.

My little goose thought it was just amazing that this family had little children up on stage singing songs that she likes to sing.and was just so disappointed that mama wouldn’t let her go up on stage and join them.

It was so impressive how well this 5 year old little girl and 7 year old little boy did with singing and knowing all the words to the songs!.

Anyways,It really is just so good to get out and go to church and go places as a family.It’s definitely not always easy to go to socials with a 4,3,and 8month old to keep track of.But it really is worth the effort to get everyone all dressed and combed and loaded up in car seats

There’s just something about going as a family that always makes my heat so happy.being with my husband and children is always fun!.

It’s so important for even the little children to get out and see their little friends and play with them.it’s always amazes me how happy everyone is after just an hour or two of being out of the house and with other people.

In the dreary winter months when it gets so rainy out just a little visit with another mom friend can be such a boost for this solar powered mama!!. Don’t wait till the house is perfectly clean to have someone over ,in my experience that would mean we would have company.you don’t even need to have all the perfect snacks. just a cup of coffee can go a long ways!.or even just meet a friend at a cozy coffee house and chat.even if it’s only for a half hour.it really will make a difference and bring some cheer to the day!.

We really do need our friends.and that time to just relax and chat about all the latest thing our babies have done.all the flus and cold we’ve fought this winter.the new little pearly whites baby A just got in,he is so proud of those 6 little teeth! the hardships of being a mama along with all the blessing that are in motherhood also. And the cute and funny things the kiddos come up with and maybe even get a little adultish conversation in.

Make time for friends,you need them as much as they need you.

We didn’t know we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.

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Hello World!! I'm Alice wife to James and mommy to 3 little ones. i am a stay at home mom and beginner blogger. i love taking care of my family and cooking, cleaning, and even doing laundry for them.my hobbies are sewing,baking, crafts, and diy home decor.